Prague Airport: New Baggage Screening Rules

Prague Airport: New Baggage Screening Rules

We draw the attention of passengers traveling from Prague: from May 15, 2017, in order to ensure flight safety (in accordance with applicable EU laws), security personnel of the Prague Airport will carry out selective baggage inspection with opening and inspection of contents without the presence of a passenger.

During the inspection, luggage will be inspected for traces of explosives, and then packed with foil or belts with the airport logo. A booklet with information about the autopsy and its reasons will be placed inside such baggage. This measure is taken to ensure flight safety and to prevent explosives from entering the aircraft.

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk of the Prague Airport by phone: +420 220 111 888 or on the website .

In case of baggage damage, passengers should contact the baggage tracing service at the destination airport and file a damage claim.