Personnel changes in the airline's management

Personnel changes in the airline's management

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The Board of Directors of Ural Airlines OJSC at an extraordinary meeting decided to dismiss Sergei Nikolaevich Skuratov from the post of General Director of the airline. S.N. Skuratov resigned due to retirement.

The Board of Directors approved the candidacy of the General Director - Kirill Sergeevich Skuratov, who previously held the position of First Deputy General Director - Commercial Director of the airline.

" Over the past years, the airline has come a long way, we have trained a huge galaxy of wonderful pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers, businessmen, financiers, ground service workers - all of them are a real asset to the Urals and the country. I am confident that the well-coordinated work and high professionalism of the Ural Airlines team, headed by Kirill Sergeevich, will allow us to continue to increase production indicators and ensure the continuous development of air transportation for the benefit of the Urals and all of Russia, " S.N. Skuratov noted in his closing remarks.

Sergey Nikolaevich Skuratov began his career in civil aviation in 1967. He was the permanent head of Ural Airlines for more than 30 years. It is difficult to overestimate his contribution to the development and formation of the airline. Thanks to his outstanding leadership qualities and excellent knowledge of the economics of civil aviation, the Ural carrier is now one of the five largest air carriers in Russia.

Kirill Sergeevich Skuratov has been working for Ural Airlines since 1996. He has gone through all stages of his career from engineer to first deputy general director, and is well acquainted with both the economic and production aspects of the airline's activities. During this time, he managed to organize a highly professional, close-knit team of managers. He enjoys well-deserved authority and respect in the team.